Sunday, February 17, 2013

1 Month!

Dear Garrett,
Has it really been a month? All my days and nights and weeks are blurred with feeding, changing, sleeping and soaking in all of you.

You make really funny faces. You yawn when you are tired. Or scream. It depends on how tired you are Buddy. Oh yeah, and we like to call you Buddy. Hope you like it.

You finally fit into some of your clothes now and we can go a little longer without doing laundry. You still like to be swaddled and sometimes we let you use a pacifier. You really like to be held, but I'm still holding out hope that you'll like your swing a lot soon.

Sometimes you are awake a little longer now and we love to stare at your big, blue eyes.

Daddy likes to find books for you when we go to Target. He started well before you were born. The latest book he found was "Bedtime Prayers" and we like to read you one or two every night as we rock you. You usually start fussing in the middle, but Mom and Dad sure get a lot out of the prayers.

It's been one crazy month as we figure out how to be your parents. We're really trying our best. You're really a lot of work right now, but we're really glad you're here. 

Mom & Dad

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