Saturday, March 31, 2012

Project MCP: March Challenges

This month, Project MCP changed their assignments from monthly to weekly. I had way more fun having several challenges to think about and look for opportunities to take pictures. I love having more reasons to turn on my camera and snap pictures. I probably took 50 just for this project alone. I participated in three of the assignments and here are my final submissions below:
  • Challenge #1 – Take a picture from a high vantage point, from above your subject

  • Challenge #2 – Capture a photo using natural light.

  • Challenge #3 -  Express the following word in a photo: Transition

March was busy with visiting family, Adam's brother coming to visit us, celebrating 6 years (6!) of marriage, and welcoming Spring to our front and back yards (and sinus cavities). Vegetables are started, a new grill is put together, and  well, I've got a lot of yellow to clean up from all this crazy pollen. Looking forward to enjoying this warmer weather with the hubs this year. And to April photo challenges!