Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I started the year with a few ambitions. I normally don't do resolutions, but I like the idea of ambitions. Goals.

So one of my ambitions is to photograph more. I want to experiment more and really create something with my pictures. So I thought I'd join in on one of those photography projects online. They've got them for every day and every week. Knowing myself, and my schedule, I decided I'd do a monthly one. So I joined MCP Project 12, with a theme for every month. January's theme was Resolution or Resolve.

I thought about it. I thought about what kind of picture I would take. I thought about what I might resolve to do. What word or emotion would sum up my resolve. I thought about the last 10 months and how far my resolve has gotten me.

And then I thought about Adam coming home soon. I started working extra hours to make up for the time I'll miss at work when he's on leave and because I had meetings with every grade level and some of them were on my days off. And I started making menus and grocery shopping and trying recipes so that I can cook for my husband. And I've been really, really good about going to the gym. And doing my extra exercises for my knee. Oh, and then I thought I might try to give up Diet Pepsi. And I was making sure to eat vegetables and take my vitamins. And keep the house clean. I've made sure to get up early for some time with God, which I had gotten away from at the end of the year. So then I decided to start a year long Bible reading plan. And now it's the last day of January and I had sort of forgotten about my photography project.

So I had to think of something fast. I started snapping pictures of anything that could be resolution. This one is the best one. Sorry it's not my best work. Thus the point of the project. It can only get better from here right?

It's not one of those "I'm going to go to the gym" resolutions. I promise. (Even though that's where I was going when I took this picture.)

I resolve to keep moving. I resolve to not give up. To embrace life, and all it brings, even when I really don't want to. So I'll put on my running shoes and get out there. 

Next month's theme should be a lot easier. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

9 months down...

You know your husband has been deployed for too long when The Office Jim and Pam wedding dance makes you cry and laugh hysterically at the same time. Oh. my. word.

Anyone else?