Monday, January 28, 2008


The last two weeks have been busy ones for us. Adam went to Yuma, AZ with his squadron for training. He was gone for two weeks and got many flights in. Some days he was flying two flights, which says a lot about how well he studied and retained the information he needs to know. The highlight of his trip was firing the weapons on his "bird". On that flight he was able to have the helicopter record the weapons shoot. Of course it was the first thing he wanted to watch when I picked him up. He also was able to spend more time with the guys in his squadron and get to know them better, as these are guys he may be flying and deployed with.

While Adam was gone I visited my cousins in Palo Alto, CA. I flew up just for the MLK Jr. holiday weekend. My cousin Sara is from my mom's side of the family, and she is married to David. They have two boys, Isaac, 4 and Jake, 2. The first day Sara and I drove up to San Francisco and she showed me all the sights. We tasted tea in Chinatown, had pizza in North Beach, saw some fantastic views of the city, the Golden Gate bridge, and of course, fit in some shopping. On Sunday we went to the Redwood Forest and Santa Cruz. Despite the cold and rain, it was beautiful. And it was fun to hang out with the boys. That night, Sara and I spent some time in downtown Palo Alto. We had some great Italian food, and stopped by facebook for a picture. Before I left Monday, we did some more shopping and just spent time together. Isaac helped me pick out shoes and told me all about what he is learning at school. It was a fantastic weekend and I'm so happy I was able to visit during our short stay in California.

This past weekend as Adam got back from Yuma, our friends from Pensacola visited. PeggyAnn and PaulStephen are currently stationed at Port Hueneme, about three hours north of Oceanside. They stayed with us for the weekend while we visited San Diego and went to Sea World. It was worth it to see the whale show. It was amazing all the things they could do and just how smart they really are. There were still some incredibly cheesy parts, but it was still fun. We had a great time and are so thankful they came to visit.

Now it's back to the old grind. Before we know it our time in California will be up. We're enjoying it while we can!

Tasting Tea in Chinatown

Visit to San Francisco

Isaac and Me

Jake at the Redwood Forest

The trees are so tall!


Passing the love of flight to the next generation:)

Pensacola Reunion at Sea World

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


In the last post we were getting ready to visit family for Christmas. So we did. We brought the nice San Diego weather with us too. It was fantastic. We jumped right into the new year with Adam standing duty 24 hours New Years Day. We're used to it now though, he has had the same duty once every two weeks since October. Good preparation I guess. In the midst of all that standing duty though, Adam has managed to be put on the schedule to fly. He is doing really well and having a good time. He and his squadron are currently in Yuma, AZ for two weeks for training. He should get a good chunk of training done out there. We're not sure when he will be I'm not even going to speculate. We're just enjoying the time out here and planning a super fun trip back east. While Adam is gone I have started my classes and am catching up on all the things I never get done when he is here. I've also been hanging out with my friend Amanda, whose husband is also in Yuma. We are enjoying some super girly time.

This weekend I am going to visit my cousins in San Jose. I'm really looking forward to the trip. I'm not very close to many of my cousins, but Sara is definitely one of my favorites. And her little boys are so cute. I'll have to take lots of pictures and share my trip when I get back. I'm so blessed that I the time and opportunity to go!

The next weekend our friends at Port Hueneme are coming to visit and we are going to do all the touristy San Diego things. I'm really looking forward to Sea World! And to seeing our friends! Yay!

Well, even without Adam around, I'm a busy girl. I have some homework to do!