Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The District

Photos from my trip home last month.
Titanic Memorial


The Big Pencil (when my dad was stationed at Bolling AFB, I could see this from my bedroom window!)

Jefferson (again)

A lucky 85 degree, low humidity day that just makes you think Washington, D.C. must be one of the most wonderful cities to live in.

(As long as you don't have to drive in it.)


The Worts said...

When did you live on Bolling AFB?

Hilary Thomas said...

Let's see, I was 4-6, so 1987 to 1989? Were you there then too? We lived at Andrews in 86 too.

Katy Evans said...

I love these! My fave is the first Jefferson.

Yasmin said...

artfully done Hilary! Love the Titantic and tree framed Jefferson.

The Worts said...

We lived there from 1991-1994. :-)