Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday's List

1. I remember now why I don't read books as often as I'd like. As soon as I get too far into them, I can't stand to get out of them. I just HAVE.to.know.what.happens.next. So I stayed up until 2am last night reading "The Help", woke up at 9 and stayed in bed reading until 2pm until I was finished. It was a wonderful read. Now which do I dare pick up next?

2. We got 'coons. And by 'coons, I mean one raccoon. I've named him Rocco. And Rocco likes to visit our trash can in the carport every night between 12 and 1 am. I just don't know how he gets up into the trash can and gets back out of it. Maybe Rocco is a Super Raccoon with special powers?

3. When I did finally get out of bed today, I looked out the kitchen window and found this:

I almost blamed it on Rocco, since I'd seen him sniffing around the peppers the other night. But when I went out to take pictures, I discovered I actually had hornworms. Lots and lots of hornworms.

They are apparently the larvae stage of a spotted moth. I could remove them by hand, spray the plants, or hope that a certain type of parasitic wasp lays its eggs on its back and devours the hornworm from the inside. Isn't nature cool?

I've pretty much given up on the plants at this point. They'll never re-bloom in time to produce anything this year. I'll just wait and plant some fall crops at the end of the month. Oh Well.

4. Yesterday a former student came over for a visit. Her mother brought her and her three siblings. I think they got a HUGE kick out of seeing into Mrs. Thomas' life. They played at the park, ran all around the house, and brought me some delicious chocolate cake. Their mom, a fellow Marine wife, and I had a nice conversation. She seemed genuinely interested in my life. Genuinely concerned that I wasn't going back to teaching. Genuine.  I'm glad I'll be seeing them again.

It's nice to know I made at least a little difference in a child's life this year. It's nice to know a parent was happy with the education I attempted to give their child this year. It was a really hard year.

Also, I had leftover cake for lunch. Yummmmmmm.

5. For dinner Monday I put on my apron and cooked. I usually lack motivation in the "cooking for one" department. I usually eat out, eat at a friends, or each pasta sprinkled with parmesan cheese, again. But I really wanted a meal. A real, full, homecooked meal. I grilled steak, steamed spinach and garlic, and even made fresh biscuits.

It's the little things in life, right?

6. Thank You God, that I can stay in bed and read until 2pm if I want. Thank you that it doesn't matter if hornworms eat all my crops because I don't depend on them. For food on the table, money in the bank, and friends that are just a phone call away. For a house, and two cars, good furniture, and nice clothes. For shoes, and email.  I am richly blessed.

1 comment:

Katy Evans said...

My suggestion is that you stay up all night reading "Blacke Heels and Tractor Wheels." You should finish it in like, a day, so then I can read it. I'll try and finish "The Help" and then we can see the movie and have a two person book club.