Monday, July 11, 2011


Today I wore my pink apron with white polka dots. I turned on my iTunes. I whipped out the Kitchenaid mixer. Then I baked. I baked cookies for the first time in well over two years. I danced, and hummed, and baked. And it was soul satisfying. THIS is what I meant when I said I wanted time to do the things I enjoy and really get to enjoy them.

Most of the cookies are going to the HMLA-167 Marines who live in the barracks.

But these are all mine:

I'm eating another before dinner


Shannon said...

Yummy! I SO relate to that glorious feeling of actually having TIME to do things you want to do and enjoy them...I remember the first moment it really sank in to me that grad school was over - I was in a jazzercize class (haha!) and we were dancing to a song about freedom. I had to stop dancing and just cry. :) Glad you're soaking in all those things in your life that are soul satisfying, friend!

Hilary Thomas said...

Glad YOU are enjoying being a mommy of two. I've loved your posts. And Alice is amazing:)