Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cows and a Field

I spent seven days traveling all over the state of Virginia. I saw family and friends. I had happy and sad reasons for my trip. I have so much to say and sort through. They say you can never go home again, which I find to be very true. But in my moving forward and looking to the future, I think it is always important to remember where you came from. Going back, seeing old friends, seeing parts of Virginia I haven't seen in two, or three, or six years, was a good reminder. Inspiration. Happy memories. Short bursts of quality time with many people I love and miss.

I was booking it down 15 south from Charlottesville to Farmville Monday evening. I got stuck on the two lane road behind a very s l o w driver. Just as I was fuming and thinking "you've got to be kidding me", I came upon a beautiful, golden field of tall grass surrounded by trees, filled with cows. It was as if God made me slow down so I would see it.

In the midst of my trip the Lord gently led me and took care of me. He knew what I needed when I needed it.  Kind words, good company, safe travel, and a beautiful field of bovine.

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