But, I am livin' on a prayer.
I am grateful for my life. I am grateful for my Marine. I love hearing taps on base every night and watching helicopters fly overhead so close I feel I might be able to reach up and touch them. I am thankful for a man that is passionate about his job and for his country. Trillions of dollars in debt or not.
In the words of my longest, bestest friend Sarah who lives five hours away and I hadn't seen since October 2009: "life gets in the way, but I wouldn't have it any other way".
We might not get to see each other often. But we are grateful for the direction our lives have gone.
I really wouldn't have it any other way.
Even if I could wish Adam home, I know this is the right way. The way things are supposed to be for our lives.
I often think of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. He prayed to God to take "this cup" from him. (That "cup" being crucifixion), but then he also prayed "Yet not as I will, but as You will." (Matthew 26:39) Jesus showed his humanness, but that he was willing to do whatever God asked of him. Death on a cross and all.
This is my cup and I will gladly drink from it. (
SO thankful I am not being asked to die on a cross in order to save all of mankind.
SO thankful times infinity that Jesus did.)
Adam used to meet me at this fountain. I had a class in the building right next door. He would get to Longwood just as my class was finishing up. I'd see him from the window and will the minutes on the clock to move faster so my weekend could begin.
And now I will the next six months to move faster so my husband can be home.