Sunday, January 31, 2010


I am a list person. I make lists. On any given day you can find lists in my purse, on my desk, on my refrigerator, or in my phone. Lists of things to do, things I want to do, or things to buy at the store. I buy colorful post-its or pretty pads of paper just for my lists. I like being organized and I like to accomplish many things in a day. I like getting up, making a list, and crossing things off of it. I like making a list and including things I have already completed just so I can cross it off the list and feel accomplished.

Today I sat down to make a list. Laundry. Check! (It was already in the washer), lesson plans, blog, bills.....Then, I coded it. I made a star for things that were time sensitive and MUST be done today. I put a mark next to the things Adam could do for me. I circled things that could be done simultaneously. (I LOVE multitasking. I am one of the most efficient people I know.) I felt so accomplished and like a huge nerd. (I pretty sure Adam was thinking what a crazy wife he has.) And I have spent the day completing tasks on my list. I feel pretty good about it. Although, with all the lists I make, I might spend more time making my lists than actually doing the things on them.

1 comment:

Christy said...

You are too funny!!!! I'm good at lists too, but I'm not as good at getting the things done on that list. :)