Saturday, August 1, 2009

Month 3

This deployment isn't really convenient for me anymore, so could the boat head back this direction now?

In other news....

I'm fully moved into my new classroom and slowly getting it set up. I had a fabulous opportunity to transfer to the new school opening up here in Onslow County and I took it. Last year was a real struggle (that's an understatement), but it was the jumping off point to getting this job, and for that I am so grateful. I'm still teaching third grade, but this year promises to be excitingly new and different.
I recently took a quick trip to Virginia to visit family, real and extended. It was the first time I stayed over at my parents house since I moved out in 2005. It was the first time I slept in my brother's old room. And though so much is the same, so much is different. A different Hilary used to live there. Though there's barely proof of that now. I think my dad had paint samples picked out as soon as I said "I found a place in Fredericksburg...". My whole life I heard "You're moving out when you graduate" (I think that started around age 6?) and now I hear "When are you coming back?" They just wanted me to be independent, I know, but I still like to note irony when I see it.
In terms of extended family, I mean Sarah and Alexi. Friends ever since Tara and Alexi were my stunt team in cheerleading and introduced me to their friend Sarah. 10 years? We did what we do best, shopping and eating, picking up right where we left off. And though it was another short visit, it was fantastic.
I'm also still working on grad school...I'm at a point where I'm just so tired of it. I can't quit now! Two more semesters left! I have found plenty of things to help me procrastinate though, like blogging.

I'm still also trying to enjoy the last few weeks of summer. This week I'll be teaching the preschoolers at Vacation Bible School and then...I take a vacation to HAWAII! See you when I get back.

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