Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I am very proud to announce that my vegetable plants are now producing real vegetables! I have been attempting to grow (in containers outside) green onions, radishes, tomatoes, green peppers, jalapenos, hot peppers, and green beans.

So far I have hot peppers and jalapenos growing quite well. The green beans are still pretty tiny, but hopefully will be edible soon. The tomato plant is very tall and I'm waiting for it to pop some delicious red fruit out any day now. The green pepper plants smell strongly of green peppers, but don't seem to be growing too much yet. I'm also pretty sure the radishes and green onions are a lost cause, but it's still early in the growing season.

The highlight of my day today was using one of my home-grown hot peppers in tacos for lunch today. Adam gave it high compliments!

Here are some pictures:

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