Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Exploring the Coast and Finishing Up

The last month has been very busy. Don't all the posts start out like that? Adam took another detachment, this time to El Centro, which is very close to Yuma, but still in California. He is now only a few flights away from finishing his training and we will be heading back east by the end of the month. We are hoping to see a few more places and a few more people before we head out. Recently, we went to Coronado Island which is across the bay from San Diego. It was beautiful! We also visited an old, quaint, western town called Julian, an hour east of here in the mountains. It was amazing to travel through the mountains in our SUV and think of the pioneers who blazed the trails in their covered wagons.

I am really happy to be back east with friends and in a location for more than six months. Most importantly, the ocean will be on the right side again! And Adam and I are excited for all the things we have coming up. But, I am really going to miss the beautiful scenery, the weather, and my job with STAR. Our time in Oceanside has really been a blessing and we are thankful for the experiences. It has really broadened our view and helped us grow and mature. God teaches us something new wherever we are.

Here are our recent pics:
We'll never get tired of views like this:
The famous Hotel Del Coronado on Coronado Island:
The view of the Pacific from the island:
Me and my student at STAR:

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