Tuesday, October 30, 2012


It's been looking a lot like fall around here; all cozy and warm with plaid down blankets and warm apple cider while we roast marshmallows around the fire pit. It's pretty much our favorite season in the Thomas house.

I love to fill the house with pumpkins and candles. (And I made those Halloween book edges in the first picture with some free fonts I downloaded and some paper bags.)

The begonias and mums are still blooming, but who knows for how much longer. I've had to cut back some dying plants and I'll be spreading some more mulch soon. 

And since we don't have those towering trees over our house like in the old neighborhood, there's barely any leaves around here at all. 

And we, we are working, working, volunteering, church-ing, bible-study-ing, waiting, praying, preparing, and growing...

Can time stand still and speed up all at the same time? So I can savor it and soak it in, but still move forward to the exciting things that await?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Click Here For Expanding Belly

21 Weeks (on our way to Mike's Farm, yum!)

26 Weeks! (Please excuse the terrible overhead lighting.)

We're slowly getting the nursery set up. We have the crib, dresser/changing table, bookcase (that we painted!), and a glider on the way. We also have some decorations, but you'll have to wait for the fun story about that....

I am ever so grateful that God has blessed us with this gift, and has gently led us to this place. It's been a 6 year journey of prayer to open our hearts, prepare us, bring us through loss, and make everything fall into place even when we thought it wouldn't. May I never forget His mercy and grace and blessings upon blessings. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Jumping in the Boat

Oh how I love our Officer's Christian Fellowship group. Dinner, fellowship, bible study, 15-20+ adults and 12 little kiddos running around. Couldn't get better. (Well, now that I bought an 8qt crock pot it might get a little better. That's a lot of mouths to feed!)

We're currently studying John. This week it was John 6:1-29. And in true Fatherly fashion, God has been speaking to my heart in many ways this week. Tuesday was no exception. And in an attempt to get it in writing and sort out all the thoughts floating through my head (and hopefully to solidify them!), you get to read some of them here:

1. Jesus Feeds the 5 Thousand: So after feeling like I have a loaves and fishes situation each week with dinner you'd think I'd have learned the lesson by now. GOD WILL MEET EXCEED YOUR NEEDS. Yes, that needed to be in all caps. EXCEED. Not only did everyone get fed, but everyone was full. There were leftovers. Instead of worrying and wondering how I'm going to get this done or how I'm going to get through that, I should be asking God to meet my needs and then trusting that He will.

The disciples and I have something in common: Trust issues.

2. Jesus Walks on Water: So Jesus feeds 5,000 people with just some loaves and fishes and then retreats to a mountain to be by himself. (So humble.) So those genius disciples hop in their boat and head off to Capernaum. Without Jesus. It's kind of like when you stop at a gas station to go to the bathroom and everyone gets so caught up in going, getting snacks, and piling back in the car that you leave one of the little kids behind. Except this kid didn't stand there crying, He walked a few miles out to sea on the water. Well those disciples with trust issues were experiencing some rough seas and then didn't even recognize that it was Jesus and were afraid to let Him in the boat. They didn't see how He was working. But as soon as they let Him in the boat, the sea was calm and they immediately got to where they were going.

I so often jump in the boat and take off without Jesus. I want to move forward, get it done, fix the situation, or whatever. Then when I'm getting nowhere fast, that's when I let Him back in. Oops? I need to wait for Him to get in the boat with me. That would really save a lot of confusion and frustration. Luckily, if I forget to wait for Him to get in the boat with me, I know He'll walk out on the water just to find me and lead me to where we need to go. Whew!

I also really enjoy the fact that getting in the boat implies action, not just sitting around waiting for God to do something. Sometimes I need to wait. Sometimes I need to move. Always, I need to these things WITH him.

Ok. So now if I could just remember all these things and put them in action always. Pray that God will meet my needs. Trust that He will do so. Stop worrying. Wait for the boat.