"I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil-this is the gift of God." Ecclesiastes 3: 12-13
Monday, October 31, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Around Here Lately....
1. I got to go to the mountains! I've been dying to go to the mountains. Luckily, Alexi's wedding weekend was at the beginning of fall color in Charlottesville, VA. I didn't want to be a snap happy visitor at the wedding and get all those dark, fuzzy pictures where no one is looking or they are making a weird face. But the mountains practically begged me to take pictures.
2. The base housing is finally complete and our house was ready to be moved into. It was a bit of a last minute whirlwind, but God's hand was over everything and all the timing ended up working out well.
Leaving the old house was easy and hard all at the same time. This hasn't been my best year. Don't get me wrong, life is good, it's just been a little extra hard at times this year. And of course, I never want to write about the sad stuff on the blog; I just don't even know where to start writing a post about some things and I don't want to whine too much. But sometimes this deployment just plain sucks. The thing is, I know it's good for me. I know God is teaching me through all of this. And He is big enough to handle it when I'm mad at him or ask really hard questions. The plus side it that many positive things have happened in the last seven months too. And it feels good to have a new house. Something else to focus on, a fresh place to lay my head. And it feels REALLY good to know that I won't wake up in the morning with raccoon paw prints all over my car.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Happy Birthday Adam!
Dear Husband,
I am so glad you were born 29 years ago. You are my favorite person in the whole world. You are the only person I carry my phone around with at all times just in case you call. You are so worth the looooooong 10 month wait. And you are pretty much the only person I want to see at the end of that. You have modeled unconditional love for me in a way that no one else could. (or probably would want to). God designed you to be the right husband just for me and I am so thankful for that every day of my life. And I'm so glad that ice cream cake is your favorite. It is delicious!
Your adoring and beloved wife