Wednesday, June 15, 2011

1. Friday was my last day of teaching. I hope I made a difference. I hope I taught those kids something memorable. I hope that they remember me. And I hope that when they remember me, they laugh. And smile. And remember how much I love them. I hope I inspired them. I hope they grow to be productive members of society. I hope they can read. And spell. And add. And count money. I hope they care. I hope they learned to work hard. I hope they pay it forward someday.

I haven't seen the top of my desk since August.

Our school counselor. I think she wore this outfit JUST for me.

2. I should know that I can't go to a garden center (especially Pender Pines) without spending way too much money. The zinnias and petunias were calling to me. I swear!

3. I have wonderful friends to celebrate 28 years of life with. Thank you for making me feel loved. And for lots of yummy cake too!

4. It is so wonderful when friends pass through. My dear friend Laura ( and her parents met me for lunch in Wilmington on Sunday I love picking up right where we left off. I love hearing how well things are going. I am so encouraged by her parents never-faltering service to their daughter and how much Laura enjoys life. And, Laura, save that one item on your bucket list (the one your mom thinks is crazy) for our next visit. I will make it happen.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Oh how lucky I am to have someone that I can miss this much.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

1. I do not call myself a photographer, but just one that is interested in photography. But as such, my friend Sonya invited me to assist her in photographing a wedding this past Saturday. And it was a blast! I love a good excuse to take pictures, and even though Sonya got to do most of the creative work, I got to use a Canon Mark II and learn a few tricks. I'm so looking forward to taking the summer to learn about aperture, and exposure, and composition, and using a flash. Thanks for inviting me Sonya!

P.S. Can you believe she is self taught over the course of a year?

2. Since work will take my laptop in a few weeks, and our desktop was used by cavemen, I drove allllllllllll they way to the Apple store in Raleigh to buy a MacBook Pro. I feel so cool. Next on my list: Photoshop and an iPhone 4. As a technology facilitator it's my job to keep up with the latest tech tools right? Totally justifiable.

3. Sometimes you have to dance around your room to a Cake song. Sometimes.

4. Is it Summer yet? I must think I don't have any responsibilities because I'm not going to bed at a decent hour. Who wants to come visit and stay up late talking, rocking on the porch, and keeping me company?

5. 12 more days as a classroom teacher. It hasn't sunk in yet.

6. 2 months down! (9 to go?)