Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sayonara 2011: Year in Pictures

In January, it snowed. 

March came, and so did a 3 week notice of an earlier than anticipated deployment. We tried to make the best of our time together. 

And then he was off.

April was a not-so-fun month. We were going to have a baby. And two trips to the emergency room later, we weren't. 

But at least April ended with a trip to see Greg and Kim.

June, I just tried to make it through the school year. The busy-crazy-do I even have time to teach with all this other stuff to do? school year.

And then Jenn, Jackson, and I relaxed at White Sulphur Springs.

Summer was a blur. Did that even happen?

My Laura stopped by for a visit.

Adam went to several countries and conducted training operations.

And Summer ended with a hurricane and my new job as a Tech Facilitator.

In October, I made a trip to the mountains and Alexi's wedding.

And then, a neighborhood peeping tom tried to break into my bedroom.

New housing became available that week and I moved.

And suddenly, it was Thanksgiving...

And waiting, waiting, waiting, for the new year and my husband to come home.

Sayonara 2011.  

I'm pretty sure 2012 is going to be WAY better. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cousin Love and Christmas in D.C.

6 Days. 881 Miles. 15 driving hours. Lots of family. And oh, how I love Christmas time in D.C.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mad Wrapping Skills


"Oooh, I have a great idea for wrapping presents this year! They're going to look SO awesome. I'm going to buy all this cool, shiny ribbon and everyone will be so impressed with my mad gift wrapping skills!"

"I don't need to buy any wrapping paper, I have a whole tub full of paper and bags and tissue paper. I'm going to recycle too and decorate some paper bags myself. I never have to buy wrapping paper."

"Those gift tags are so cute, but I'm going to save money and not buy new ones this year. I KNOW we have plenty of gift tags in my tub."


I buy extra tissue paper and tape because my supply seems low. I don't touch the extras.

The paper bags are too small and wrinkly and look terrible.

I find four gift tags. Four. I have 8 presents.

I gather three rolls of wrapping paper, all at their end. None of which I like anymore. Seriously, who picked these patterns? I blame Adam. (Since he's not here to deny it.)

Umm, do over?

After I cut the paper too small and then have to makeshift an extra layer with way too much tape, I curse 2008 me and vow to go back in time and punch her before she buys the glittery wrapping paper that gets glitter EVERYWHERE.

I finally get the presents wrapped and clean the glitter off my face and the floor. I don't even bother with the shiny ribbon. 1) because it doesn't match the wrapping paper I had to end up using and 2) because I just want this to be over.

I guess I'll be at Target 5 days after Christmas buying the 75% off wrapping paper to stock up for next year. Note to self: no glitter, oh, and you do need those cute gift tags.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Busy-ness

You know the panic that sets in when you have four days until Christmas, 1 day before you leave to visit family for Christmas, and you realize that not only have you not wrapped the presents, but you haven't even finished getting all the presents, started packing, gotten an oil change (that's a little extra overdue) or called all the people you planned on seeing over the holiday?

Yup. I'm still working on number one of that list of things to do: 1. Find the motivation to finish this list. (Too bad "paint fingernails" isn't number 1, because I'm so getting that accomplished right now.)

I work really well under pressure. It's going to be long day tomorrow, but it will be totally worth it.

1 day until Edenton, NC!
2 days until VA!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Very TGS Thanksgiving

Katy and Ginger joined me for Thanksgiving this year. Everything came together, even though it wasn't quite what we had planned. Dan was supposed to be home and Adam has been gone way too long anyway. But, we rallied and we had a great meal (I love those potatoes Katy!) and some a good, relaxing time together. We played at the park, talked to our families, watched the parade, and attempted to roast marshmallows over a fire.
It was a beautiful day outside too.

Our perfectly TGS sized meal.

Roses blooming in my front yard.

Leaves falling off the trees.

My Thanksgiving Tree. Our job for the day was to write down things we were thankful for and put them on the branches. It definitely helped keep things in perspective.

A Thanksgiving tradition: Funfetti!

Our toasty fire.

Pictures with friends.

My TGS girls. So thankful for you! You brightened my day and I'm so glad to consider you family too.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

40 Weeks: 40 Things To Be Thankful For

1. At least one weekend trip with my husband before he deployed.
2. For a husband who passionately serves his country.

3. Military police who will check around your house at 4am because you hear sounds.
4. Reading magazines at Barnes and Noble for free while sipping a Frappucino.
5. Presents from far, far away.
6. Email.
7. Pedicures.
8. Stouffer's frozen meals and microwaves.
9. Relationships God puts in our lives, chosen or not. And the things He teaches us through them.
10. Tacky glue and glue guns and 40% Michael's coupons.
11. A faithful and adoring husband with a heart for God.
12. A Lord who loves and gently leads.
13. That God is big enough to handle me.
14. Not having to worry if I'll have a job, or a paycheck, or healthcare.
15. A comfortable house to live in. (With window locks that actually work.)
16. Friends who will take you in when you just can't be alone.
17. Being able to stay connected to friends and family who are far away and picking up right where we left off no matter how long it's been.
18. A job I love that doesn't really feel like "work" and awesome people to work with.
19. A principal who will recommend you for said job even though you've resigned working for her.
20.  God's plan, control, and timing even when I don't understand.
21. That I don't have to understand.
22. Jeremiah 29:11
23. That the storms of this life are only temporary.
24. Friends to join me on this journey.
25. Friends who know my shoe size and the kind I've had my eye on, even when we're not shopping together.

26.  Shoes. Pretty, shiny, tall, flat, colored, work, plain,  and fun shoes.
27. A biiiiig closet to put them all in.
28. Macaroni and Cheese.
29. 70 degree weather in November in North Carolina.
30. TGS.

31. Online shopping and not having to be out in the Black Friday craziness.
32. Many ways to keep busy while my husband is away.
33. Friends who will drop anything no matter what time of day to sit with you in the emergency room.
34. Lessons in Trust and letting go.
35. Mountains and Oceans that remind us how small we are and how big God is.

36. A husband who encourages me and listens to me.
37. 10 seasons of FRIENDS to keep me company at night.
38. DVR
39. Prayer. Prayer from others, for others, or with others.
40. Knowing that even though the last 40 weeks didn't go how I thought they would, they went exactly how they were supposed to.
41. (I know it says 40, but I'm just so thankful.) Being truly content and at peace with the place God has brought me to and being ready to follow Him to where we'll go next.

Happy Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for?

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Fort

This is what most adults do with their spare bedroom, right?

(I did build it for the OCF kids so they'd have something to play with during adult bible study time. But, if I was small enough to go through it, I totally would!)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Unpacking and cleaning vs. Crafting. Guess which won?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Around Here Lately....

1. I got to go to the mountains! I've been dying to go to the mountains. Luckily, Alexi's wedding weekend was at the beginning of fall color in Charlottesville, VA. I didn't want to be a snap happy visitor at the wedding and get all those dark, fuzzy pictures where no one is looking or they are making a weird face. But the mountains practically begged me to take pictures. 

2. The base housing is finally complete and our house was ready to be moved into. It was a bit of a last minute whirlwind, but God's hand was over everything and all the timing ended up working out well. 

Leaving the old house was easy and hard all at the same time. This hasn't been my best year. Don't get me wrong, life is good, it's just been a little extra hard at times this year. And of course, I never want to write about the sad stuff on the blog; I just don't even know where to start writing a post about some things and I don't want to whine too much. But sometimes this deployment just plain sucks. The thing is, I know it's good for me. I know God is teaching me through all of this. And He is big enough to handle it when I'm mad at him or ask really hard questions. The plus side it that many positive things have happened in the last seven months too. And it feels good to have a new house. Something else to focus on, a fresh place to lay my head. And it feels REALLY good to know that I won't wake up in the morning with raccoon paw prints all over my car.