I did not want to do my lesson plans tonight. I started anyway. As I pulled up my email and opened my books I became increasingly overwhelmed with this week: editing that movie of my students for Open House, that chapter I need to read before Wednesday's professional development, assessments, planning, centers, visitors coming two days this week, preparing for observations, little tasks to complete, and maybe finding the time to actually
I began to have a
brief dilemma minor meltdown. Do I work too much? My house is collecting dust, my garden is pleading for grooming, and a pile of laundry the size of Mt. Everest has been waiting for folding or ironing for well over a month. Has this taken over my life? How will I keep up? Oh right, and my car needs an oil change. And Adam's car. Am I boring? When will I have time to do anything else? Will this job
ever get easier? And I need to go to the grocery store
again. Why did I take on more responsibilities at work? It's 9:30pm Sunday and my lesson plans are not done. Is this really what I want to be doing with my life?
Then I remembered: A student brought me an apple this week.
This sweet little girl.
This sweet girl with big, bright eyes and braided pigtails.
Yes. This is exactly where I am supposed to be. I have 21 children depending on me to teach them, encourage them, inspire them.
I should probably finish those lesson plans.