Oh my goodness has the time flown by since my last post. The list has been finished and many, many,
many more lists have been made, crossed off, thrown away, or misplaced.
Adam has been plugging away at the squadron, flying, studying, and learning his new job in the S-4 shop. He's also been busy every night working on his first grad class through American Military University. There is nothing planned for the squadron at the present moment, which I know is frustrating for the pilots, but perfectly ok with me for now.
I've been planning and teaching away while also working on one of my last grad school classes. (I just
have to finish this year.) Our county just went through district re-accreditation and, of course, Stateside was one of the schools visited. Everyone prepared their rooms, their lessons, and their bulletin boards for the visit. The school was shining and spotless, everyone had put up their student's best work, and we were ready to show off all the awesome things we do at our school on a daily basis anyway. It was wonderful and exhausting, but totally worth it for the shining report the county recieved. You can check it out here:
http://www.jdnews.com/news/school-73244-first-achievements.htmlNow we are into a cold and rainy March and I am so ready for Spring Break.