The last few months have been creeping by and rushing right on through all at the same time. I'm sure so many of you out there feel the same way often. In the day to day I just can not wait for Adam to get home! But then I look back and think, "My, it feels like yesterday was the first day of school and here I am getting ready to send out report cards." It's a blessing to have this time, and it's also time I'd like to get over with.
Adam is still currently deployed. I'm unsure of his current location with the 22nd MEU, but I know they are in transition to head back home. I do know where they have been since the last few posts and I've gotten some great presents from the port calls Adam has made. Adam was able to spend some time in Bahrain and Dubai, see belly dancers, go shopping, and eat anything that wasn't ship food. The squadron also spent a significant amount of time in Kuwait, flying, studying, and mostly getting sick of the heat and humidity. Since my last post Adam has pinned on Captain and qualified as PQM (pilot qualified model) on the Cobra. Now we're just ready for December to get here. I am so grateful for email and the phone calls Adam has been able to make, but it's no substitute for having him home!
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but I have been taken aback by how emotional deployment has been. I figured if I kept busy enough I wouldn't notice how much I missed Adam or much of how I was feeling at all. Of course I've still got a great big smile on my face and am thankful for everyday with Adam, home or not. But as the months go by I am amazed how much it is possible to miss a person and how magnified even the littlest situations become when Adam isn't around to support me in the ways he usually does. I talked to Nana, Adam's grandmother, on the phone last night. She was saying how you just can't know about these things until you go through them. She's absolutely right.
I know there's so much to catch everyone up on, but it's also time for me to go to bed. I guess you'll just have to wait unti the next time I muster up some words to share. For now, here are some recent pictures Adam sent me:
Belly Dancing Show in Bahrain:
Don't these guys think they're so cool: (Adam is on the far left)
Going through the Suez Canal:

On the ship: