I realize that I still haven't even posted pictures of my Hawaii trip. I'll get to it I promise. Life just hasn't stood still long enough in the last month for me to sit down and write. And though I am really supposed to be doing research for grad school, I couldn't help but share this link:
You know how when you are on a search engine, the drop down box shows topics that you might be looking for? Well, as I was typing in "How Elementary Teachers Use Technology in the Classroom", down pops "how elementary teachers should teach". I just had to see what the internet said about how I should be teaching. I noticed this ehow article and am astounded at how easy it is to be a teacher. Just seven simple steps! Check out the "difficulty level" as well. After a day like today, I'm so glad that some contributing writer has boiled my job down to seven moderately easy steps.
Jumping off my soap box now. It's just been one of those days.